Thursday, November 05, 2009


Note from the CEO...

This is not one of those posts in which I will post a video or tell u bout some new hotness.
I just want to purely take some timeout to give updates and information in which i feel any followers would need to know.
Lately I have been very FOCUSED on my school work and extra-curricular activities,
which can be shown in my lack of posts.
I'm very sorry to all who visited the site daily and expected more material, creations,and things of that nature from me.
Let's get down to the nitty-gritty.

1. GoLd'N RE$↓L↑ENCE™ Clothing is currently postponed and will return within the 1st quarterof 2010. This will include T-Shirts, CrewNeck Sweaters, and hand-made accessories. These products will all be of high quality and EXCLUSIVE items in low quantitiy in order to keep exclusiveness. Look foward to fresh designs, a new website, and the same CRISP originality that GoLd'N RE$↓L↑ENCE™ Clothing has always provided.

2. Due to the fact that I take photography in school and am very intrigued within that field, I will steadily be posting up Exclusive photographs and offering signature prints for sale on this very site.

3. Another thing in which will be chnaging is the sight as a whole. GoLd'N RE$↓L↑ENCE™ Clothing will be taking on a iconic LOGO as the second as well as the site undergoing transformation that suits these logos.

4. EXPECT nothing but high quality clothing, website, accessories, and services from GoLd'N RE$↓L↑ENCE™ Clothing in 2010.

For any inquiries and further information involving GoLd'N RE$↓L↑ENCE™ Clothing and it's services, there is contact information located MID-way throughthe right-hand side of the toolbar.->

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